jjckb.cn - "Ukraine is looking forward to developing local agricultural resources with Chinese enterprises"

April 21, 2017

In order to work with Chinese investors to tap the potential of agricultural resources in Ukraine, Ukrainian local investment companies and agricultural enterprises representatives held a symposium in Beijing to exchange views on resource advantages, export trends and risk prevention.

If the new technology, matching funds can be applied in the Ukrainian agriculture sector, the future of the country's grain output will reach 140 million tons, will surpass the United States to become the world's largest food exporter, according to Michael Bleyzer, president of SigmaBleyzer investment company. Ukrainian former vice minister of agriculture, the chairman of the Sigma Bleyzer Foundation, said that Ukraine currently has no quota restrictions on exports of agricultural products. But the government will sign a memorandum with agricultural enterprises to ensure that the necessary agricultural products in Ukraine are adequately protected.

Ukraine's fifth-largest agricultural company AgroGeneration - CEO John Shmorhun said that Ukraine is now unable to carry out land acquisition transactions, but investors can rent land at a very low price. The general lease is more than 10 years, the most up to 49 years.


This article was translated to English by AgroGeneration

Source: http://jjckb.xinhuanet.com/2017-04/21/c_136224835.htm