On the 8th of December the Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” organized the year-end VIII International Conference “Doing Agribusiness”. The event aimed to raise awareness among Ukrainian agricultural producers of both external and internal factors affecting their activities in 2017. It gathered around 300 representatives of the leading agricultural companies and specialists in the field.
AgroGeneration was represented by the CEO John Shmorhun.
Within the scope of the VIII International Conference “Doing Agribusiness in Ukraine”, the Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” highlighted achievements of the best-performing agricultural producers that demonstrated outstanding results in the 2016 harvesting campaign. Members of UCAB have been nominated for the agricultural performance award “OBZHYNKY 2016” in 9 categories.
AgroGeneration was a winner in the category “THE BEST BARLEY YIELD” demonstrating the yield of 42,4 c/ha and received an agronomic performance award “OBZHYNKY 2016”.